Arka PLAN resim yükleme, SF 918 HD SF718 SF818 SF908 icin

Son güncelleme: 24.09.2008 03:39
  • Merhaba Arkadaslar,

    HD SF 918 HDTV icin 3 dilde Arka plan Resmi yapma Programi ve aciklamasi hazirladim sizlere :


    Dosya ismi :
    OCTAGON USB Background-Converter-DE.rar - ALMANCA -
    OCTAGON USB Background-Converter-ENG.rar - INGILIZCE -
    OCTAGON USB Background-Converter-TR.rar - TÜRKCE -

    Aciklamasi - LÜTFEN OKUYUN Arkadaslar :

    --> Türkce


    --> Arka Plan Resim Konvert Programi (OSD Menu ve Radyo)
    --> Lütfen jpeg resim formati konvertlemeye kullanin
    --> Arka Plan formati : .mpg
    --> Jpeg Resim boyutu maximal 720x576 pixel

    Aciklama :

    1. Iki kere tiklayarak Programmi acin :
    --> OCTAGON_USB_Background-Converter-TR.exe

    2. "Resim Dosyasi secin " ... tiklayin
    --> Yeni pencere acilacaktir

    3. Konvert etmek istediginiz JPEG resmi secin (max. 720x576 pixel)

    4. "Hafiza yeri" ... tiklayin
    --> Yeni pencere acilacaktir
    --> Hafiza yerini seciniz

    5. "Arka Plan Konvertle" tiklayin
    --> Bilgi : Converting wait... yazicaktir

    6. Arka Plan Resim .mpg formatina konvertlenmistir ve hafiza yerine alinmistir

    Arka Plan Resmi cihaziniza aktarma aciklamasi :

    --> Arka Plan Resimleri USB Stick yada RS232 Nullmodem kablosu ile aktarabilirsiniz
    --> RS232 icin OctagonSoftTool v1.00.exe Programini kullanin

    USB Stick ile aktarma aciklamasi :

    1. Arka Plan Resmi (.mpg) USB Stickinize kopyalayin
    2. USB Stickinizi cihaziniza takin
    3. Arka Plan resmi mpg secin ve OK tusuna basin
    ve update START OK tusu ile baslatin
    4. Cihaz update yapar ve kendiglinden Boot yapar
    5. Menu ye girin - System Setup - OSD secin
    OSD Resmi ve Radyo Resmi kullanici secin
    EXIT ve OK tusuna basarak hafizaya kaydedin. Islem tamamdir :-)

    Nullmodem Kablosu ile - OctagonSoftTool v1.00.exe (RS232):

    1. Cihazinizi arkadaki POWER Switch den kapatin
    2. Cihazinizi RS232 den Nullmodem kablo ile PC ye baglayin
    3. Cihazinizi arkadaki POWER Switch den acin (Standby)
    4. "OctagonSoftTool v1.00.exe" programi acin
    5. COM 1-4 Sembolüne basarak COM Port 1-4 ayarini yapiniz
    6. Connect Sembolüne basin ve OK leyin
    7. Suan Cihaz ile PC arasindai baglanti kurulmustur
    8. NOT : Cihazinizi halen Standby konumundadir
    9. IMAGE Sembolüne basin ve OK leyin
    10.Istediginiz Arka Plan Resmi secin (.mpg)
    11.Cihazin update ypamasini ve yneiden Boot yapmasini bekleyin
    12.Menu ye girin - System Setup - OSD secin
    OSD Resmi ve Radyo Resmi kullanici secin
    EXIT ve OK tusuna basarak hafizaya kaydedin. Islem tamamdir :-)

    Önemli : OCTAGON SF918, SF908, SF818 und SF718 modelleri icindir !

    --> Ingilizce


    --> Converter for Menu Main Image and Radio Image
    --> Use please JPEG pictures for converting
    --> Background Format : .mpg
    --> Jpeg picture size max. 720x576 pixel

    Instruction :

    1. Open Program :
    --> OCTAGON_USB_Background-Converter-ENG.exe

    2. Press "Select Image file" ...
    --> It opens new windows

    3. Select a suitable JPEG picture (max. 720x576 pixel)

    4. Press "Save as ..." ...
    --> It opens new windows
    --> Select place for Save as under...

    5. Press "Convert Background"
    --> Status : Converting wait...

    6. Converting finished .

    Instruction Background to Receiver :

    --> They can update Background files either with USB Stick or
    with OctagonSoftTool v1.00.exe Program (RS232).

    With USB Stick :

    1. Please copy Background file (.mpg) to USB Stick
    2. Connect USB Stick with Receiver
    3. Select mpg File and press OK
    and comfirm update START with OK
    4. Receiver make update and Boot new
    5. Press Menu - System Setup - OSD
    Select for Main Iamge & Radio Image
    User and EXIT & OK save. Enjoy :-)

    With OctagonSoftTool v1.00.exe (RS232):

    1. Pls. Turn OFF STB with Power Switch
    2. Connect STB & RS232 Cable to PC
    3. Pls. Turn ON STB with Power Switch
    4. Pls. open program "OctagonSoftTool v1.00.exe"
    5. Press COM 1-4 Icon and select COM Port 1-4
    6. press Connect Icon and YES
    7. Now Conencting ready STB to PC
    8. Important : STB still on Standby mode
    9. Pls. press IMAGE Icon and OK
    10.Select Background file (.mpg)
    11.Pls. wait for update finishing and STB will make reboot
    12.Press Menu - System Setup - OSD
    Select for Main Iamge & Radio Image
    User and EXIT & OK save. Enjoy :-)

    Important : only for OCTAGON SF918, SF908, SF818 und SF718 models

    iyi seyirler

#24.09.2008 03:39 0 0 0