Sro Loader C19H28O2.7.17 NoDc+Mclient

Son güncelleme: 20.03.2009 18:40
  • Testosterone v7.17
    By Homez & Rumata


    Download Link:

    How to start:

    * Extract the files in to your Silkroad folder.
    * Then start the Loader.exe to start silkroad.


    - Muliclient.
    - Auto relogin (please wait about 12 seconds after message "Failed to connect to server").
    - Nude patch.
    - Infinity zoom.
    - Disable swear filter.
    - Minimize in taskbar (low memory mode)
    - Mini-mode (1/6 screen size)
    - Windowed mode.
    - Toggles hiding players and monsters. (Holding 'v' key).
    - Toggles showing loot on ground. (Holding 'z' key).
    - Weather control.
    - Auto-rise mastery.
    - Auto-accept resurrection.
    - Auto-accept invite to party
    - Auto-distribution of status points.
    - Alarm on private message.
    - Alarm on unique monster.
    - Alarm on a bargain start.
    - Unique monster log.
    - Block messages (All, Whisper, Party, Guild, Union, Global)
    - Character info window.
    - Loader configuration dialog.
    - Redirection the client to local port (substitute for mediapatcher)

    New commands:


    o open configuration dialog, please, run loader with parameters "Loader.exe /cfg"

    Another way to control Loader functions is editing the configuration file. This file called C19H28O2.ini and located in the Silkroad directory as Loader.exe itself and C19H28O2.dll.

    ZoomHack=1 ;0 to disable
    NudePatch=1 ;0 to disable
    NoDC=1 ;0 to disable
    ChatFilter=1 ;0 to disable
    Lang=1 ;0 for Russian, 1 for English
    Redirect= ;This is a setting for NuConnector, instead of patching media.pk2
    ServerNumber=1 ;0 or 1 gateway server number
    UseOneProcessor=0 ; 1 - use one CPU core
    SilentStartup=0 ; 1 = don't show configuration dialog

    Have Fun!
#20.03.2009 18:40 0 0 0