vBulletin e-mail Gitmiyor

Son güncelleme: 27.04.2010 11:47
  • Slm arkadaşlar. Benim mail sorunum var. Üyelere özel msj geldiğinde mail ile haber verilsin istiyorum ama mail gitmiyor. admin panelinde bakım bölümünde mail test yaptım. bazı hatalar verdi. O hatalar bu resimde. Bu nasıl düzelir. Bilgisi oln yardım ederse sevinirim.
    selam ile

#26.04.2010 16:42 0 0 0
  • ReSim Bende AçıLmıyor... AnCak Hata Script DeqiL, Server KaynakLı da oLabiLir...
#26.04.2010 20:50 0 0 0
  • noimage

    resmi birde bu şekilde koyayım dedim.
    FreddyKrueger teşekkür ederim. Peki ben hosting şirketiyle görüşürsem onlar kendilerinden kaynaklı olup olmadığını bilirler değilmi?
    hemen mail atıyorum onlra. tşkler
#27.04.2010 11:42 0 0 0
  • includes/class_mail.php dosyasında hata olduğunu söylüyor sanırım resimdeki oluşan hatada. bende o dosyanın içindeki kodları buraya aktarma ihtiyacı duydum. belki faydası olur. teşekkürler şimdiden.
    || #################################################################### ||
    || # vBulletin 3.8.4 Patch Level 1 - Licence Number VBFTE7K167
    || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
    || # All PHP code in this file is ©2000-2009 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. # ||
    || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
    || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
    || # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/liceNse.html # ||
    || #################################################################### ||

    define('MAIL_INCLUDED', true);

    // Attempt to load XML extension if we don't have the XML functions
    // already loaded. It is needed for utf8_encode()
    if (!function_exists('xml_set_element_handler'))
    $extension_dir = ini_get('extension_dir');
    if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN')
    $extension_file = 'php_xml.dll';
    $extension_file = 'xml.so';
    if ($extension_dir AND file_exists($extension_dir . '/' . $extension_file))
    ini_set('display_errors', true);

    * Standard Mail Sending Object
    * This class sends email from vBulletin using the PHP mail() function
    * @package vBulletin
    * @version $Revision: 31684 $
    * @date $Date: 2009-08-04 1102 -0500 (Tue, 04 Aug 2009) $
    * @copyright http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html
    class vB_Mail
    * Destination address
    * @var string
    var $toemail = '';

    * Subject
    * @var string
    var $subject = '';

    * Message
    * @var string
    var $message = '';

    * All headers to be sent with the message
    * @var string
    var $headers = '';

    * Sender email
    * @var string
    var $fromemail = '';

    * Line delimiter
    * @var string
    var $delimiter = "\r\n";

    * Registry object for any options we need
    * @var vB_Registry
    var $registry = null;

    * Switch to enable/disable debugging. When enabled, warnings are not suppressed
    * @var boolean
    var $debug = false;

    * Message to log if logging is enabled
    * @var string
    var $log = '';

    * Constructor
    * @param vB_Registry vBulletin registry object
    function vB_Mail(&$registry)
    if (is_object($registry))
    $this->registry =& $registry;
    trigger_error('Registry object is not an object', E_USER_ERROR);

    $sendmail_path = @ini_get('sendmail_path');
    if (!$sendmail_path OR $this->registry->options['use_smtp'] OR defined('FORCE_MAIL_CRLF'))
    // no sendmail, so we're using SMTP or a server that lines CRLF to send mail // the use_smtp part is for the MailQueue extension
    $this->delimiter = "\r\n";
    $this->delimiter = "\n";

    * Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.
    * Call send() to actually send it.
    * @param string Destination email address
    * @param string Email message subject
    * @param string Email message body
    * @param string Optional name/email to use in 'From' header
    * @param string Additional headers
    * @param string Username of person sending the email
    * @param boolean True on success, false on failure
    function start($toemail, $subject, $message, $from = '', $uheaders = '', $username = '')
    $toemail = $this->fetch_first_line($toemail);

    if (empty($toemail))
    return false;

    $delimiter =& $this->delimiter;
    $vbulletin =& $this->registry;

    $toemail = unhtmlspecialchars($toemail);
    $subject = $this->fetch_first_line($subject);
    $message = preg_replace("#(\r\n|\r|\n)#s", $delimiter, trim($message));

    global $stylevar;
    if ((strtolower($stylevar['charset']) == 'iso-8859-1' OR $stylevar['charset'] == '') AND preg_match('/&[a-z0-9#]+;/i', $message))
    $message = utf8_encode($message);
    $subject = utf8_encode($subject);
    $username = utf8_encode($username);

    $encoding = 'UTF-8';
    $unicode_decode = true;
    // we know nothing about the message's encoding in relation to UTF-8,
    // so we can't modify the message at all; just set the encoding
    $encoding = $stylevar['charset'];
    $unicode_decode = false;

    // theses lines may need to call convert_int_to_utf8 directly
    $message = unhtmlspecialchars($message, $unicode_decode);
    $subject = $this->encode_email_header(unhtmlspecialchars($subject, $unicode_decode), $encoding, false, false);

    $from = $this->fetch_first_line($from);
    if (empty($from))
    global $vbphrase;
    if (isset($vbphrase['x_mailer']))
    $mailfromname = construct_phrase($this->fetch_first_line($vbphrase['x_mailer']), $vbulletin->options['bbtitle']);
    $mailfromname = $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'];

    if ($unicode_decode == true)
    $mailfromname = utf8_encode($mailfromname);
    $mailfromname = $this->encode_email_header(unhtmlspecialchars($mailfromname, $unicode_decode), $encoding);

    $headers .= "From: $mailfromname <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . '>' . $delimiter;
    $headers .= 'Auto-Submitted: auto-generated' . $delimiter;

    // Exchange (Oh Microsoft) doesn't respect auto-generated: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/project.php?issueid=27687
    if ($vbulletin->options['usebulkheader'])
    $headers .= 'Precedence: bulk' . $delimiter;
    if ($username)
    $mailfromname = "$username @ " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'];
    $mailfromname = $from;

    if ($unicode_decode == true)
    $mailfromname = utf8_encode($mailfromname);
    $mailfromname = $this->encode_email_header(unhtmlspecialchars($mailfromname, $unicode_decode), $encoding);

    $headers .= "From: $mailfromname <$from>" . $delimiter;
    $headers .= "Sender: " . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . $delimiter;

    $fromemail = empty($vbulletin->options['bounceemail']) ? $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] : $vbulletin->options['bounceemail'];
    $headers .= 'Return-Path: ' . $fromemail . $delimiter;

    $http_host = iif($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_ENV['HTTP_HOST']);
    $http_host = iif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_ENV['SERVER_NAME']);
    $http_host = trim($http_host);
    if (!$http_host)
    $http_host = substr(md5($message), 12, 18) . '.vb_unknown.unknown';
    $msgid = '<' . gmdate('YmdHis') . '.' . substr(md5($message . microtime()), 0, 12) . '@' . $http_host . '>';
    $headers .= 'Message-ID: ' . $msgid . $delimiter;

    $headers .= preg_replace("#(\r\n|\r|\n)#s", $delimiter, $uheaders);

    $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $delimiter;
    $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain' . iif($encoding, "; charset=\"$encoding\"") . $delimiter;
    $headers .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $delimiter;
    $headers .= 'X-Priority: 3' . $delimiter;
    $headers .= 'X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP' . $delimiter;
    // fairly specific fix for PHP 4 and Windows, see issue #21913
    if (phpversion() < '5' AND strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN')
    $headers .= 'Date: ' . date('r') . $delimiter;

    ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('mail_send')) ? eval($hook) : false;

    $this->toemail = $toemail;
    $this->subject = $subject;
    $this->message = $message;
    $this->headers = $headers;
    $this->fromemail = $fromemail;

    return true;

    * Set all the necessary variables for sending a message.
    * @param string Destination address
    * @param string Subject
    * @param string Message
    * @param string All headers to be sent with the message
    * @param string Sender email
    function quick_set($toemail, $subject, $message, $headers, $fromemail)
    $this->toemail = $toemail;
    $this->subject = $subject;
    $this->message = $message;
    $this->headers = $headers;
    $this->fromemail = $fromemail;

    * Actually send the message.
    * @return boolean True on success, false on failure
    function send()
    if (!$this->toemail)
    return false;

    @ini_set('sendmail_from', $this->fromemail);

    if (!SAFEMODE AND $this->registry->options['needfromemail'])
    $result = @mail($this->toemail, $this->subject, $this->message, trim($this->headers), '-f ' . $this->fromemail);
    $result = @mail($this->toemail, $this->subject, $this->message, trim($this->headers));

    return $result;

    * Returns the first line of a string -- good to prevent errors when sending emails (above)
    * @param string String to be trimmed
    * @return string
    function fetch_first_line($text)
    $text = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", "\r\n", trim($text));
    $pos = strpos($text, "\r\n");
    if ($pos !== false)
    return substr($text, 0, $pos);
    return $text;

    * Encodes a mail header to be RFC 2047 compliant. This allows for support
    * of non-ASCII character sets via the quoted-printable encoding.
    * @param string The text to encode
    * @param string The character set of the text
    * @param bool Whether to force encoding into quoted-printable even if not necessary
    * @param bool Whether to quote the string; applies only if encoding is not done
    * @return string The encoded header
    function encode_email_header($text, $charset = 'utf-8', $force_encode = false, $quoted_string = true)
    $text = trim($text);

    if (!$charset)
    // don't know how to encode, so we can't
    return $text;

    if ($force_encode == true)
    $qp_encode = true;
    $qp_encode = false;

    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++)
    if (ord($text{$i}) > 127)
    // we have a non ascii character
    $qp_encode = true;

    if ($qp_encode == true)
    // see rfc 2047; not including _ as allowed here, as I'm encoding spaces with it
    $outtext = preg_replace('#([^a-zA-Z0-9!*+\-/ ])#e', "'=' . strtoupper(dechex(ord(str_replace('\\\"', '\"', '\\1'))))", $text);
    $outtext = str_replace(' ', '_', $outtext);
    $outtext = "=?$charset?q?$outtext?=";
    return $outtext;
    if ($quoted_string)
    $text = str_replace(array('"', '(', ')'), array('\"', '\(', '\)'), $text);
    return "\"$text\"";
    return preg_replace('#(\r\n|\n|\r)+#', ' ', $text);

    * Sets the debug member
    * @param boolean
    function set_debug($debug)
    $this->debug = $debug;

    * Logs email to file
    function log_email($status = true)
    if (!empty($this->registry->options['errorlogemail']) AND !is_demo_mode())
    $errfile =& $this->registry->options['errorlogemail'];
    if ($this->registry->options['errorlogmaxsize'] != 0 AND $filesize = @filesize("$errfile.log") AND $filesize >= $this->registry->options['errorlogmaxsize'])
    @copy("$errfile.log", $errfile . TIMENOW . '.log');

    $timenow = date('r', TIMENOW);

    $is_admin = ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']);

    $fp = @fopen("$errfile.log", 'a+b');

    if ($fp)
    if ($status === true)
    $output = "SUCCESS\r\n";
    $output = "FAILED";
    if ($status !== false)
    $output .= ": $status";
    $output .= "\r\n";
    if ($this->delimiter == "\n")
    $append = "$timenow\r\nTo: " . $this->toemail . "\r\nSubject: " . $this->subject . "\r\n" . $this->headers . "\r\n\r\n" . $this->message . "\r\n=====================================================\r\n\r\n";
    @fwrite($fp, $output . $append);
    $append = preg_replace("#(\r\n|\r|\n)#s", "\r\n", "$timenow\r\nTo: " . $this->toemail . "\r\nSubject: " . $this->subject . "\r\n" . $this->headers . "\r\n\r\n" . $this->message . "\r\n=====================================================\r\n\r\n");

    @fwrite($fp, $output . $append);

    * SMTP Mail Sending Object
    * This class sends email from vBulletin using an SMTP wrapper
    * @package vBulletin
    * @version $Revision: 31684 $
    * @date $Date: 2009-08-04 1102 -0500 (Tue, 04 Aug 2009) $
    * @copyright http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html
    class vB_SmtpMail extends vB_Mail
    * SMTP host
    * @var string
    var $smtpHost;

    * SMTP port
    * @var integer
    var $smtpPort;

    * SMTP username
    * @var string
    var $smtpUser;

    * SMTP password
    * @var string
    var $smtpPass;

    * Raw SMTP socket
    * @var resource
    var $smtpSocket = null;

    * Return code from SMTP server
    * @var integer
    var $smtpReturn = 0;

    * What security method to use
    * @var string
    var $secure = '';

    * Constructor
    * @param vB_Registry vBulletin registry object
    function vB_SmtpMail(&$registry)
    if (is_object($registry))
    $this->registry =& $registry;
    trigger_error('Registry object is not an object', E_USER_ERROR);

    $this->secure = $this->registry->options['smtp_tls'];

    // Prior to 3.8 this was a radio button so SSL is 1
    if ($this->registry->options['smtp_tls'] == 1)
    $this->secure = 'ssl';

    $this->smtpHost = $this->registry->options['smtp_host'];
    $this->smtpPort = (!empty($this->registry->options['smtp_port']) ? intval($this->registry->options['smtp_port']) : 25);
    $this->smtpUser =& $this->registry->options['smtp_user'];
    $this->smtpPass =& $this->registry->options['smtp_pass'];

    $this->delimiter = "\r\n";

    * Sends instruction to SMTP server
    * @param string Message to be sent to server
    * @param mixed Message code expected to be returned or false if non expected
    * @return boolean Returns false on error
    function sendMessage($msg, $expectedResult = false)
    if ($msg !== false AND !empty($msg))
    fputs($this->smtpSocket, $msg . "\r\n");
    if ($expectedResult !== false)
    $result = '';
    while ($line = @fgets($this->smtpSocket, 1024))
    $result .= $line;
    if (preg_match('#^(\d{3}) #', $line, $matches))
    $this->smtpReturn = intval($matches[1]);
    return ($this->smtpReturn == $expectedResult);
    return true;

    * Triggers PHP warning on error
    * @param string Error message to be shown
    * @return boolean Always returns false (error)
    function errorMessage($msg)
    if ($this->debug)
    trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING);
    return false;

    function sendHello()
    if (!$this->smtpSocket)
    return false;
    if (!$this->sendMessage('EHLO ' . $this->smtpHost, 250))
    if (!$this->sendMessage('HELO ' . $this->smtpHost, 250))
    return false;
    return true;

    * Attempts to send email based on parameters passed into start()/quick_set()
    * @return boolean Returns false on error
    function send()
    if (!$this->toemail)
    return false;

    $this->smtpSocket = fsockopen(($this->secure == 'ssl' ? 'ssl://' : 'tcp://') . $this->smtpHost, $this->smtpPort, $errno, $errstr, 30);

    if ($this->smtpSocket)
    if (!$this->sendMessage(false, 220))
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Unexpected response when connecting to SMTP server');

    // do initial handshake
    if (!$this->sendHello())
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Unexpected response from SMTP server during handshake');

    if ($this->secure == 'tls' AND function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto'))
    if ($this->sendMessage('STARTTLS', 220))
    if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->smtpSocket, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT))
    return $this->errorMessage('Unable to negotitate TLS handshake.');

    // After TLS say Hi again

    if ($this->smtpUser AND $this->smtpPass)
    if ($this->sendMessage('AUTH LOGIN', 334))
    if (!$this->sendMessage(base64_encode($this->smtpUser), 334) OR !$this->sendMessage(base64_encode($this->smtpPass), 235))
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Authorization to the SMTP server failed');

    if (!$this->sendMessage('MAIL FROM:<' . $this->fromemail . '>', 250))
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Unexpected response from SMTP server during FROM address transmission');

    // we could have multiple addresses since a few people might expect this to be the same as PHP
    $addresses = explode(',', $this->toemail);
    foreach ($addresses AS $address)
    if (!$this->sendMessage('RCPT TO:<' . trim($address) . '>', 250))
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Unexpected response from SMTP server during TO address transmission');
    if ($this->sendMessage('DATA', 354))
    $this->sendMessage('Date: ' . gmdate('r'), false);
    $this->sendMessage('To: ' . $this->toemail, false);
    $this->sendMessage(trim($this->headers), false); // trim to prevent double \r\n
    $this->sendMessage('Subject: ' . $this->subject, false);
    $this->sendMessage("\r\n", false); // this makes a double \r\n
    // catch any single dots on their own
    $this->message = preg_replace('#^\.' . $this->delimiter . '#m', '..' . $this->delimiter, $this->message);
    $this->sendMessage($this->message, false);
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Unexpected response from SMTP server during data transmission');

    if (!$this->sendMessage('.', 250))
    return $this->errorMessage($this->smtpReturn . ' Unexpected response from SMTP server when ending transmission');

    // Don't check that QUIT returns a valid result as some servers just kill the connection e.g. smtp.gmail.com
    $this->sendMessage('QUIT', 221);

    return true;
    return $this->errorMessage('Unable to connect to SMTP server');

    * Mail queueing class. This class should be accessed as a singleton via fetch_instance()!
    * This class does not actually send emails, but rather queues them to be sent later in a batch.
    * @package vBulletin
    * @version $Revision: 31684 $
    * @date $Date: 2009-08-04 1102 -0500 (Tue, 04 Aug 2009) $
    * @copyright http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html
    class vB_QueueMail extends vB_Mail
    * The SQL to insert into the mail queue
    * @var string
    var $mailsql = '';

    * The number of mails being inserted into the queue
    * @var string
    var $mailcounter = '';

    * Whether to do bulk inserts into the database.
    * Never set this option directly!
    * @var boolean
    var $bulk = false;

    * Inserts the message into the queue instead of sending it.
    * @return string True on success, false on failure
    function send()
    if (!$this->toemail)
    return false;

    $vbulletin =& $this->registry;

    $data = "
    (" . TIMENOW . ",
    '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($this->toemail) . "',
    '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($this->fromemail) . "',
    '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($this->subject) . "',
    '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($this->message) . "',
    '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($this->headers) . "')

    if ($this->bulk)
    if (!empty($this->mailsql))
    $this->mailsql .= ',';

    $this->mailsql .= $data;

    // current insert exceeds half megabyte, insert it and start over
    if (strlen($this->mailsql) > 524288)
    /*insert query*/
    INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mailqueue
    (dateline, toemail, fromemail, subject, message, header)
    " . $data

    UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore SET
    data = data + 1
    WHERE title = 'mailqueue'

    // if we're using a alternate datastore, we need to give it an integer value
    // this may not be atomic
    if (method_exists($vbulletin->datastore, 'build'))
    $mailqueue_db = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
    SELECT data
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore
    WHERE title = 'mailqueue'
    $vbulletin->datastore->build('mailqueue', intval($mailqueue_db['data']));

    return true;

    * Sets the bulk option. If disabling the option, this also flushes
    * the cache into the database.
    * @param boolean
    function set_bulk($bulk)
    if ($bulk)
    $this->bulk = true;
    $this->mailcounter = 0;
    $this->mailsql = '';
    else if ($this->mailcounter AND $this->mailsql)
    // turning off bulk sending, so save all the mails
    $vbulletin =& $this->registry;

    /*insert query*/
    INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mailqueue
    (dateline, toemail, fromemail, subject, message, header)
    " . $this->mailsql
    UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore
    SET data = data + " . intval($this->mailcounter) . "
    WHERE title = 'mailqueue'

    // if we're using a alternate datastore, we need to give it an integer value
    // this may not be atomic
    if (method_exists($vbulletin->datastore, 'build'))
    $mailqueue_db = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
    SELECT data
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore
    WHERE title = 'mailqueue'
    $vbulletin->datastore->build('mailqueue', intval($mailqueue_db['data']));

    $this->bulk = true;
    $this->mailsql = '';
    $this->mailcounter = 0;

    * Singleton emulator. Fetches the instance if it doesn't exist.
    * Be sure to accept a reference if using this function!
    * @return vB_QueueMail Reference to the instance
    function &fetch_instance()
    static $instance = null;

    if ($instance === null)
    global $vbulletin;
    $instance =& new vB_QueueMail($vbulletin);

    return $instance;

    * The only part of this class which actually sends an email.
    * Sends mail from the queue.
    function exec_queue()
    $vbulletin =& $this->registry;

    if ($vbulletin->options['usemailqueue'] == 2)
    // Lock mailqueue table so that only one process can
    // send a batch of emails and then delete them
    $vbulletin->db->lock_tables(array('mailqueue' => 'WRITE'));

    $emails = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
    SELECT *
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mailqueue
    ORDER BY mailqueueid
    LIMIT " . intval($vbulletin->options['emailsendnum'])

    $mailqueueids = '';
    $newmail = 0;
    $emailarray = array();
    while ($email = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($emails))
    // count up number of mails about to send
    $mailqueueids .= ',' . $email['mailqueueid'];
    $emailarray[] = $email;
    if (!empty($mailqueueids))
    // remove mails from queue - to stop duplicates being sent
    DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mailqueue
    WHERE mailqueueid IN (0 $mailqueueids)

    if ($vbulletin->options['usemailqueue'] == 2)

    if ($vbulletin->options['use_smtp'])
    $prototype =& new vB_SmtpMail($vbulletin);
    $prototype =& new vB_Mail($vbulletin);

    foreach ($emailarray AS $index => $email)
    // send those mails
    $mail = (phpversion() < '5' ? $prototype : clone($prototype)); // avoid ctor overhead
    $mail->quick_set($email['toemail'], $email['subject'], $email['message'], $email['header'], $email['fromemail']);

    $newmail = 'data - ' . intval($newmail);
    if ($vbulletin->options['usemailqueue'] == 2)

    $newmail = 0;

    // update number of mails remaining
    UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore SET
    data = " . $newmail . ",
    data = IF(data < 0, 0, data)
    WHERE title = 'mailqueue'

    // if we're using a alternate datastore, we need to give it an integer value
    // this may not be atomic
    if (method_exists($vbulletin->datastore, 'build'))
    $mailqueue_db = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
    SELECT data
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore
    WHERE title = 'mailqueue'
    $vbulletin->datastore->build('mailqueue', intval($mailqueue_db['data']));

    || ####################################################################
    || # Downloaded: 16:36, Sat Jun 27th 2009
    || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 31684 $
    || ####################################################################
#27.04.2010 11:47 0 0 0