
Son güncelleme: 12.12.2010 10:14
  • Should/Shouldn't

    "Should ve shouldn't" u öneri vermek için kullanırız.

    Örnek Diyalog

    A: I am very late this morning.

    (Bu sabah çok geç kaldım.)

    B: You should run.

    (Koşsan iyi olur.) veya You shouldn't walk to day.

    (Bu gün yürümezsen iyi olur.)

    A: My English marks are low this year.

    (Bu yıl İngizice notlarım düşük.)

    B: You should study harder.

    (Daha çok çalışmlısın.) veya You shouldn't watch Tv so much.

    (Bu kadar çok televizyon seyretmesen iyi olur.)
#30.08.2005 14:11 0 0 0
  • thanks my friends
#09.09.2005 22:32 0 0 0
  • Thanks
#11.09.2005 14:22 0 0 0
  • Good work mate. You have good understanding in English
#17.09.2005 10:11 0 0 0
  • its a bit basic dont you think
#28.09.2005 04:18 0 0 0
  • Its basic because he's trying to teach other people head. Its a good start
#28.09.2005 15:25 0 0 0
  • there are a lot better ways to teach english than through simple past, present sentences dont you think?
#28.09.2005 15:34 0 0 0
  • Nah past and present sentences are a good start to learning English, tell me how you started to learn the English language
#28.09.2005 15:42 0 0 0
  • well i didnt have to learn english, i was brough up with it thank you very much
#28.09.2005 15:46 0 0 0
  • Yes you might have been brought up with an English surrounding but of course you must have "learnt" it for you to be speaking.
#28.09.2005 15:55 0 0 0
  • can you teach 16, 17, 18 etc old how to speak turkish when this person has been brough up in turkey

    any how i think here is not place for debate, dont you think
#28.09.2005 15:58 0 0 0
  • But im not saying that cuz, I'm saying that you must have learnt it to know it. And yes, you can still teach someone more on Turkish if they were born in Turkey. For example, What if they didn't go to school?. They might know how to communicate but at what extent?. They would be able to speak but using proper language? There are many reasons where a person in the case you have given will be unable to talk the proper language. Spelling Writing Reading... these are all to do with "learning". Of course you can speak but how? because you've learned it. Simple cuz S i m p l e
#28.09.2005 16:11 0 0 0
  • Oki$ Oki$ ama istersen burda tartismiyalim kuzen ha
#28.09.2005 16:19 0 0 0
  • Tamam kuzenim oyle olsun
#28.09.2005 16:26 0 0 0
  • thx
#28.09.2005 17:58 0 0 0
  • bilgiler icin sagol dostum
    ellerine saglik
#28.09.2005 21:01 0 0 0
  • biglier icin cok tessekur ederim arkadasim
#11.10.2005 03:32 0 0 0
  • thanks for you
#30.05.2007 14:07 0 0 0
  • burda herbirşey var süper
#03.01.2008 16:52 0 0 0