This section contains step by step plans on how to remove your bans.. we have also put together some video samples to show you how to remove them too!
Arent we nice , you can add these vids to your own site but please link to us on your links section in return ... Thanks
Ban Index
rc-r1407 Ban
rc-438 Ban
rc-e406 Ban
Suspended from all Groups
Ip Ban
Audio And Text Ban
Admin Rights Ban
Rc-r1407 Ban
This one is easypeasy ... click your "START" Button then choose "RUN", in the run box type "REGEDIT", Now your in your registry locate this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels and delete the string called "Incoming-Fax", all done... Remember use a new nick not the banned one!
Aparently from outside information paltalk record you ISP account name on this ban, but i dont believe that so follow the instuctions on ban rc-438 and create a new username in windows so u have a new fresh registry (XP,win2000 + only)!
Rc-438 Ban
Big ban easy to get out tho lol click your "START" Button then choose "RUN", in the run box type "REGEDIT", Now your in your registry locate this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion and change your "ProductId"... Now all you need to do is change your HD Serials with the program i have linked for you below
Remember use a new nick not the banned one!
Need The Volume ID Changer? [Click Here]
Rc-e406 Ban
This ban is pretty simple the "e" in rc-e406 stands for email lol... Paltalk ban the email address your nick was signed up with, so all nicks you have setup with that email will be banned! But dont worry paltalk forgot you can login to mypaltalk and change your email... Wahla out of the ban! Only problem you might have is remembering your secret question :/
Suspended from all Groups
This one is pretty easy click your "START" Button then choose "RUN", in the run box type "REGEDIT", Now your in your registry locate this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels and delete the string called "Incoming-Fax", all done... Remember use a new nick not the banned one!
IP Ban
If you have a cable modem or you on dsl then you IP is probably "STATIC", this means your ip doesnt change unlike on dialup your ip changes every time you connect to the net...
Can I change my static ip to another static ip?
Yes you can how i works is your isp locks an ip down to your network cards mac address...
You can try caling your ISP and asking them if they renew your ip (becuase someones hacking you ;p)... or Some old network cards and all new good ones allow you to change your mac address within windows, what you can do is change your mac call your isp and ask them to lock your modem to ur new mac address this will automaticaly give you a new ip!
Audio And Text Ban
This ban records your isp user name if it can get to it, even if it cant it records ur ip also so ya still caught. .
Admin Rights Ban
This one is pretty easy click your "START" Button then choose "RUN", in the run box type "REGEDIT", Now your in your registry locate this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels and delete the string called "Incoming-Fax", all done... Remember use a new nick not the banned one!
entfernen! Informationen dieser Abschnitt enthalten schrittweisee Pläne auf, wie man Ihre Verbote entfernt. wir haben auch einige videoproben zusammengefügt, um Ihnen zu zeigen, wie man sie auch entfernt! Arent können wir nett, Sie diese vids Ihrem eigenen Aufstellungsort hinzufügen aber mit uns auf Ihrem Verbindungen Abschnitt in der Rückkehr bitte verbinden... Verbot des Dank-Verbot-Index-rc-r1407 des Verbot-rc-r407 rc-438 des Verbot-rc-e406 verschob von allem Gruppen IP Verbotaudio und Verbot des Text-Verbotadmin Recht-Verbot-Rc-r1407 dieses ist easypeasy... Klicken, das Ihre "ANFANGS" Taste dann "DURCHLAUF" wählen, in der Durchlaufkastenart "REGEDIT", jetzt Ihr innen Ihr Register lokalisieren diesen Schlüssel HKEY_CURRENT_USERAppEventsEventLabels und löschen die Zeichenkette, die "das Ankommend-Telefax" genannt wird, ganz getan... Erinnern Sie sich an Gebrauch ein neuer Einschnitt nicht verbotene! Übersteigen Sie Rc-r407 Aparently von der äußeren Informationen paltalk Aufzeichnung Sie ISP Kontoname auf diesem Verbot, aber ich glaube nicht, die so den instuctions auf Verbot rc-438 folgen und ein neues username in den Fenstern herstellen, also u ein neues frisches Register haben (XP, win2000 + nur)! Das grosse Verbot des oberen Verbots Rc-438, das einfach ist, tho lol Klicken hinauszugehen Ihre "ANFANGS" Taste wählen dann, "DURCHLAUF", in der Durchlaufkastenart "REGEDIT", jetzt lokalisieren I
oldugu gibi nokdai virgülüylen almanca arkadaslar
arkadaslar ben bunu turkceye cevirebilirim fakat nasil pcde uygulayacagimi bilmiyorum yanlis yapmamam lazim iyi anlayan kimse varsa yardimci olabilirmi bu ban olayi icin ayrica bu konuyu ele alan kardesimizede cok tsk ederim paylasimlarindan dolayi..Tesekkurler
slm kardesim bana pal ban konusunda yardimci olurmuusn ben bunun türkceye cevirebilirim .. ben bu programlari yaparsam yanlis olabilir bunun icin kisa bir zaman ayirabilirsen sevinirim mertcan<A E O paylasimlarin icin tesekkurler...emeklerine saglik.. Benim msn [email][/email] <<yardimci olursan minnettar kalirim mertTurk.