Turkey and Asparagus With Cream Sauce

Son güncelleme: 15.05.2011 18:38
  • krema soslu kuşkonmaz - ingilizce kuşkonmaz tarifi - asparagus with cream sauce recipeIngredients:

    * 1 tablespoon olive oil
    * 1 tablespoon butter
    * 8 ounces fresh sliced mushrooms
    * 1 pound turkey cutlets, thinly sliced in 1 1/2-inch lengths
    * 1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut in 1 1/2-inch lengths
    * Salt and pepper
    * .
    * Sauce
    * 4 tablespoons butter
    * 5 tablespoons flour
    * 1 cup chicken broth
    * 1/2 cup heavy cream
    * 1 tablespoon dry sherry
    * 1/2 teaspoon Cajun or Creole seasoning blend
    * 1/2 cup fresh shredded Parmesan cheese
    * More chicken broth or milk, to thin, as desired
    * Shredded Parmesan cheese for topping


    In a skillet, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon butter over medium low heat. Add the mushrooms and turkey cutlets; saute, stirring, until mushrooms are golden. Add asparagus and 1/2 cup chicken broth. Continue cooking, stirring, until asparagus is just tender. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Heat 4 tablespoons butter in a saucepan; stir in 4 tablespoons flour. Slowly add 1 cup chicken broth and continue cooking, stirring, until thick. Add the cream, sherry, and seasoning blend, along with Parmesan cheese. Taste and add salt and pepper, to taste, along with more chicken broth or a little milk to thin as desired. Stir in the turkey mixture and heat through. Serve over pasta or rice or use the the mixture to fill crepes. Serve along with more Parmesan cheese for sprinkling.

#15.05.2011 18:38 0 0 0