Proton İçine Easyhid Kurulumu Ve PIC18f2550 Usb Veri Gönderimi

Son güncelleme: 20.05.2010 00:01
  • Proton İçine Easyhid Kurulumu Ve PIC18f2550 Usb Veri Gönderimi - PIC18f2550 Usb Veri Gönderimi - PIC18f2550 - Usb Veri Gönderimi - Proton İçine Easyhid Kurulumu


    İsisdevre şeması;


    18f2550.bas yazılım içeriği;

    Device = 18F2550
    XTAL = 48

    ' descriptor file, located in \inc\usb_18 - a copy
    ' is located in the same folder as this file
    ' USB Buffer...
    ' Buffer Haritası
    ' Buffer[1] = PORTA , Buffer[2] = PORTB
    Symbol USBBufferSizeMax = 8
    Symbol USBBufferSizeTX = 8
    Symbol USBBufferSizeRX = 8
    Dim USBBuffer[USBBufferSizeMax] As Byte

    ' some useful flags...
    Dim PP0 As Byte SYSTEM ' USBPOLL status return
    Symbol CARRY_FLAG = STATUS.0 ' high if microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
    Symbol ATTACHED_STATE = 6 ' is USB attached

    ' ************************************************
    ' * main program loop - remember, you must keep the USB *
    ' * connection alive with a call to USBPoll, USBIn or USBOut *
    ' * every couple of milliseconds or so *
    ' ************************************************

    ' *******************************
    TRISA = %01110000
    TRISB = %00000000
    ' *******************************

    GoSub AttachToUSB


    USBBuffer[1] = PORTA 'portA bilgilerini gönderecek
    USBOut 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferSizeTX
    PORTB = USBBuffer[2] 'buffer2 yi port b de yansıtacak
    USBIn 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferSizeRX, ProgramLoop
    PORTB = USBBuffer[2]

    GoTo ProgramLoop

    ' ****************************************
    ' * receive data from the USB bus *
    ' ****************************************
    USBIn 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferSizeRX, DoUSBIn

    ' ************************************
    ' * transmit data *
    ' ***********************************
    USBOut 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferSizeTX, DoUSBOut

    ' ***************************************
    ' * wait for USB interface to attach *
    ' ***************************************

    Yazılım içeriği;

    ' vendor and product IDs
    Private Const VendorID = 6114
    Private Const ProductID = 2010

    ' read and write buffers
    Private Const BufferInSize = 8
    Private Const BufferOutSize = 8
    Dim BufferIn(0 To BufferInSize) As Byte
    Dim BufferOut(0 To BufferOutSize) As Byte

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    BufferOut(4) = Val(Text1.Text)
    hidWriteEx VendorID, ProductID, BufferOut(0)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' do not remove!
    ConnectToHID (Me.hwnd)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnPlugged(ByVal pHandle As Long)
    If hidGetVendorID(pHandle) = VendorID And hidGetProductID(pHandle) = ProductID Then
    ' ** YOUR CODE HERE **
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnUnplugged(ByVal pHandle As Long)
    If hidGetVendorID(pHandle) = VendorID And hidGetProductID(pHandle) = ProductID Then
    ' ** YOUR CODE HERE **
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnChanged()
    Dim DeviceHandle As Long

    DeviceHandle = hidGetHandle(VendorID, ProductID)
    hidSetReadNotify DeviceHandle, True
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnRead(ByVal pHandle As Long)

    ' read the data (don't forget, pass the whole array)...
    If hidRead(pHandle, BufferIn(0)) Then

    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteSomeData()
    BufferOut(0) = 0 ' first by is always the report ID
    BufferOut(1) = 10 ' first data item, etc etc

    ' write the data (don't forget, pass the whole array)...
    hidWriteEx VendorID, ProductID, BufferOut(0)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Text1_Change()
    If Val(Text1.Text) > 255 Then Text1.Text = ""
    End Sub

    Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    If KeyAscii = 8 Then Exit Sub
    If IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii)) = False Then KeyAscii = 0
    End Sub

    1. adım : proton basic ve içersine easyhid kuruyoruz. ardından easyhid simgesinie tıklıyoruz.




    Polling zamanları usb`nin takılı algılanmasını sağlayacak kodların gönderileceği zaman aralıklarıdır . pos power çekilecek max akım değerleri. (500ma üzeri zarar verebilir) buffer in / out = gönderilecek veya alınacak data ların byte olarak uzunluğudur . bir defa da max 64 byte veri transferi yapılabiliyor.


    project name = kayıt klasörünün proje ismi , location proje nin kayıt klasörünün yeri.
    complier = kullanılacak derleyici
    Microcontroller = kullanılacak pic
    complier = pc tarafında kullanılacak derleyici basic olur c olur


    Tıkla Tıkla
#20.05.2010 00:01 0 0 0