Warm Salmon with Spinach Sauce

Son güncelleme: 31.05.2010 20:59
  • Salmon Spinach Recipe Hot Sauce - Hot Sauce Salmon Spinach's Instructions - İngilizce Yemek Tarifleri


    12 Sliced Smoked Salmon
    80 gr. The root of spinach (boiled)
    10 cl. Sunflower oil
    2 tablespoons vinegar
    1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt, black pepper


    spinach oil, vinegar and lemon juice mix. Add salt and pepper. Every dish place two pieces of smoked salmon. 180 degree oven for 1 min. then wait. Spinach Pour sauce over salmon and serve hot Hot Sauce .
#31.05.2010 20:59 0 0 0