Out of Ataturk and Turkey in Samsun on May 19, 1919 Realization of National Sovereignty Principle

Son güncelleme: 13.10.2010 10:49
  • 19 Mayıs İle İlgili Makale - Atatürk'ün 19 Mayıs 1919'da Samsuna Çıkışı ve Türkiye'de Millî Egemenlik İlkesinin Gerçekleşmesi - İngilizce Makaleler
    YRD. ASSOC. DR. Behçet Kemal Yeşilbursa (*)

    Expressed by Ataturk, the first sentence from the story of the National Struggle, "I went to Samsun on the 19th of May of 1919 begins with". In other words, the actual start date of May 19, 1919 the National Struggle. May 19 is a start, the first step on the way up to the idea and decided to target the owner of Ataturk. According to Suresh Sevket Aydemir, "Mustafa Kemal's new life, new kingdom, he, on the 19th of May 1919 the Anatolian mainland coast landed in Samsun, begins, that is, its occurrence, and their fate, and our nation's history, and the flow of our age, that shaped the direction and phase of the various aspects of the day there, and Mustafa Kemal landed in Samsun began to coast. "(1)

    Sovereignty (sovereignty) to dominate, judge, superiority, and that rule comes masterfulness manalarına, Buyuran, can carry out the command is used to refer to superior power. Sovereignty, state power is the supreme power of a vasfıdır.İç law, international law also refers to an independent power. (2)

    In National Sovereignty; judge their fate as a nation, possess the power to determine their future is. In other words, a nation to self-administration, self-government committee will choose the means. As Interior view of the democratic regime, namely the fact that one of sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation, with the external appearance of the nation to live free and independent, that is, the unity and integrity of the nation against external means. (3)

    National Authority, as a person or a class away from the domination of the nation that his administration meant to be the owner, the general will of the nation to put forward and power, that means belonging to the nation unconditionally. National Sovereignty concept of nation itself apart by individual persons, on their personality, has a will, and that sovereignty belongs to the collective entity. (4)

    National Sovereignty, the nation will dominate the occasion of the deduction for the basic condition of democracy. For this reason, most of all democratic regimes as a determining factor in the management of superior force and the state, government direction, while at the same time allows the formation of the state functions. (5)

    National Sovereignty, and the history of mankind is the source of the force itself as one of the ideas that give rise to force states to alter the structure and is effective enough to influence the course of history. Therefore, has great importance for the history of humanity. (6)

    In his National Sovereignty, and the dominant element in the state and the nation should have a value mukadderatında amyl. Because the national sovereignty, justice, equality, freedom and the rest of the nation honor, dignity, honor. For this reason, Ataturk, tried to make one of the basic components of the National Sovereignty of the state policy. In this purpose, political, social and economic ways, away from foreign influences, to ensure the occurrence of a society composed of national will. (7)

    Ataturk, the "National Government that such a light, his face chains melt, crowns and thrones burn and disappear. Institutions established on the slavery of nations doomed to be destroyed on all sides," the words, by putting the power of the principle of national sovereignty, the importance of public life
    stressed. (8)

    Turkey, the realization of the principle of national sovereignty, and the result of all Ataturk's thought on this issue. Ataturk landed in Samsun on May 19, 1919, but the first time in Turkish history, personal sovereignty, national sovereignty has begun the process of transition. Ataturk, as soon as set foot in Samsun, both imported, as well as outward, and their synthesis of religious and western Anatolia, the only ideas have taken over the administration, a single state, single sovereignty, single commander, a single act of parliament and the ideas of one nation By all areas, worked to implement the principle of real national sovereignty. Therefore, for the first time in Turkey in general the principle of national sovereignty under the leadership of Ataturk applied initiated during the National Struggle is possible to say. Because of this period, the country has fallen into a bad situation, some intellectuals in his country no choice but to accept the mandate for the rescue of a large state görmezlerken Atatürk thought of them very different and has been in pursuit of a movement based on confidence in the nation. (9)

    It is located in a poor country Nutukta referring to the situation: "... there was only one decision in the face of this situation. It is based on the National Sovereignty, unconditionally, regardless of the state to establish a new Turkish! Here's more from Istanbul to Anatolia in Samsun, before we think and do not press print application decision we started, it has been decided. "(10)

    As soon as Atatürk in Samsun, prepared by the Inspectorate in order to fulfill the duties imposed its report dated May 22, 1919, the Army inspector many points, surpassing the limit of instruction, dealing seriously with the fate of the whole country shows. This is the first report prepared by Ataturk in Samsun asayişsizliğin reason stems from the Greeks, the Turks not tolerate foreign mandate and control of, the rights of the occupation of İzmir by the Greeks there and most importantly, the nation, national sovereignty and the essence of Turkish nationalism has agreed to perform this work and noted. Therefore, Ataturk, the nation's unity and togetherness with the principle of national sovereignty is committed to the fundamental basis of the national struggle has given the first sign. This report constitutes the first major program of the National Struggle, by Tevfik Bıyıklıoğlu'na, in fact, identical to a revolutionary program. (11)

    Ataturk, Samsun, British invasion and presence in and around the coast headquarters for operations inside the Greek gangs have been required to transfer to a safe place and moved Havza'ya May 25, 1919. Ataturk had begun working for the now historical. After that time the Ottoman Empire would be almost two-hand handle. Between the Government of the people entering the Istanbul Ataturk because it goes like all the people, not calm, but rather would try to mobilize them. Yet he just will not be a commander and the national teşekküllerle communicate with governors, who informed the Turkish nation fell bad situation of his country, seeking remedy for their troubles worry about acquiring, collecting societies would have been a leader makes decisions. (12)

    Indeed, on May 28, 1919 Havza whole country, the military and civilian supervisors, Defence of Rights by communities throughout the country rallies to protest the occupation of Izmir, a tamimle done, the public be told the size of the disaster and asked it yaymalarını to the villages. Then in every corner of the country was held rallies in reaction to the occupation of Izmir. Six rally in Istanbul, Anatolia, a total of 96 different cities and towns were organized rally. (13)

    Istanbul Ataturk Havza'daki rallies and activities back to him from calling the authorities' first reaction was occupied. Ataturk, until that day, "Army Inspector" had been weighed in the capacity of all personal. Now I saw this title compromised. Therefore, the action initiated by the public from being personal property are supposed to be in a hurry. By responding to the Ministry of War in a time-consuming went to Amasya on June 12, 1919. Ali Fuat Pasha (Cebesoy), Rafet Bey (Bele) and Rauf (Orbay) contributions from 14 June 1919, established under the Defence of Rights Society, completed work on the text prepared by Mustafa Kemal, the National Struggle history as the last Amasya Circular The first important document was adopted. Tamim, Konya, Jamal Pasha, the Inspector 2.Ordu (Small, or Mersin Cemal Pasha) and in Erzurum, the Commander of 15.Kolordu 21/22 June 1919, after approving the Karabekir Pasha announced that all interested parties. (14)

    Amasya Tamimi'nde are particularly noteworthy points. "Unity of the country, the nation's independence is in danger" denilmekle, playing the bell of danger, the alarm signal is given. Istanbul Government's incapacity to put forth the first one completes the second article of Tamimi, tanıttırdığı describes this situation as no nation. Tamimi is an important provision in the "Nation of the nation's determination and decision will recover" password. The principle that national sovereignty and national independence in the later historical developments will be the fundamental basis of the Turkish Revolution. Tamim, regional, and not provide for an organization to encompass the whole country and for this purpose and indicate the need for the collection of the congress (15).

    Amasya Circular, based on national sovereignty is the first step towards the establishment of a new Turkish state. Scheme will apply to this call and explain the reason for the Turkish nation. Now, for centuries ruled over the fate of the Turkish nation started to revolt against the will of the Sultan. Indeed, the letters sent to Istanbul with Tamimle, Istanbul, Anatolia, now is not the dominant, that are forced to depend on. With the implementation of the decisions taken in the appointment of Amasya, the army is no longer the army is important because it shows that within the revolution. (16)

    Tamim, the nation based on the fact that instead of top and bottom of the order provides for a new order. "Independence", the password for the new order, based on national will, "National Government" is the power of principle. (17)

    Another Tamimi'nin importance of Amasya, Turkish nationalism movement, the revolution is evaluated as a basic principle. Nationalism from the national struggle Tamimi'nden basis of Amasya, the essence, was the basic structure, the nation action, bringing her voice heard in the national consciousness and conscience, the political attitude of the principle objectives have been showing. (18)

    In short, Amasya Circular, on the Turkish Revolution, legal and political importance of the establishment of the new Turkish state in terms of preparing a special value that represents a basic written document.
    The fate of the state of the nation have a voice that carries the meaning of the principle of national sovereignty, over the period of national struggle and focus on more then one of the most important issues is, organized conferences in various cities of Anatolia, in studying people's wishes and ideas clearly seemed to be determined. Already, even just the collection of this congress, the nation was an important step towards the realization of sovereignty. Because the conventions of the decisions taken, the direction of the nation's representatives to appear. This is done in the nation have a voice in the fight which meant girişilecek. (19)

    In this context, 23 July-7 August 1919 between the dates of the decisions taken between the Erzurum Congress, "Kuva-t-i milliyeye milliyeye motive and the Administration is essential to dominate" the phrase there, all of these studies in Turkey is based on the principle of national sovereignty to perform. However, between 4-11 September 1919 in the declaration issued at the end of the Sivas Congress, "Kuva-t milliyeye motive for the supply of independence, and national will to dominate is essential," saying the Erzurum Congress, just repeated the decision taken in this regard, of course, Ataturk's commitment to this issue has been an indicator. In this context, Ataturk in Ankara, Sivas, remove it from the newspaper's name is Will-i Milli and remove it from the newspaper's name, the Sovereignty of the Nation is not a coincidence. (20)

    One of the important steps taken in Turkey on National Sovereignty in the 28 January 1920, the last Ottoman Deputies Assembly adopted the decisions of the National Pact. National Pact with the country's borders, first of all, a Turkish national and indivisible çizilmekle the Turks, and reached full consciousness of independence as a nation asked for the minimum rights. The Pact (Ant), Erzurum and Sivas Congresses program decisions of national liberation, national hudutlarımızı wider and by making certain a complete understanding of the principles of law and politics, understood well. (21)

    Millî'nin Pact after the adoption of the British occupation of Istanbul by 16 March 1920, the last Ottoman Deputies Assembly dağıtmışlardır. The occupation of Istanbul, the Ottoman Empire remained completely ineffective and a cure for the nation's plight is not now possible to see the decommissioning of Ataturk, the liberation of the nation itself will provide the nation with the idea and principle of national sovereignty in order to ensure full realization, 19 March 1920, all governors, sent a circular mutasarrıflıklara and commanders in Ankara, "with extraordinary powers," a new collection of the council in accordance with the provisions of the circular istedi.Bu defined as a result of the elections of deputies, as well as the participation of members of parliament who managed to come to Istanbul to Ankara, the new Parliament was opened in Ankara on 23 April 1920 (22).

    The opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Turkish National Sovereignty and the de facto policy was formally. Thus, the nation had gained the opportunity to determine their future themselves. Also this time the largest share, no doubt belongs to Ataturk.

    Ataturk, TGNA by opening one of the greatest ideals, become one of the basic elements of the state in Turkey, while the principle of national sovereignty, "Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to Nation" in the words, the sovereign right and authority of the Parliament vermiştir.O only, so that the nation is on this issue PRAYER fully competent, but also against all the doors on a dictatorship. (23)

    Ataturk, the Assembly, according to the principle of national sovereignty, should be dominated by how well the fate of the nation, again, in a speech in parliament, has expressed the following words: "People picked up and that national sovereignty and the rule directly to the destination of a PERSON, not the one consists of deputies elected by all members of Ali was represented by Parliament. That the council, Alinizdir Parliament, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. the nation's sovereignty and authority of command of the one and only Grand National Assembly of Turkey. " (24)

    Emergence of Atatürk in Samsun in Turkey starting in 1919, the principle of National Sovereignty 19Mayıs to perform the work, the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 23 April 1920 actually took place, and "Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to Nation," the first statement in the Constitution adopted in 1921 20Ocak the legal sense of being one is assured. Thus, the realization of the principle of National Sovereignty in Turkey was completed in phases.

    (*), Gazi University, Kastamonu Education Faculty, Faculty Member.


    1. AKGÜN, Selena, "Ataturk, Konya, and National Sovereignty", National Sovereignty, 1991, Proceedings of Symposium and panels, the Parliament of Culture, Arts and Entertainment Council Publications, Ankara, 1991.
    2.ATATÜRK, Speech, CI, today Prepared for publication Dille David Korkmaz, Ankara, 1984.
    3.ATATÜRKÇÜLÜK (1.Kitap), Ataturk's Vision and Directives, London, 1988.
    4. Ates, Sami; Principle of National Sovereignty and the Historical Development of Turkish İnkılâbındaki Place, Union of the Kemalist Breakthrough Publications, London, 1991.
    5. Aydemir, Sevket Suresh, a single man, Mustafa Kemal, CI, (1881-1919), Istanbul, 1963.
    6.BIYIKLIO? LU, Tevfik; Ataturk Anatolia (1919-1921), Ankara, 1959.
    7. IRON WORKERS, Sevtap, "Ataturk and Youth Understanding of Sovereignty," Idea of National Sovereignty Definition, Elements and the Development (Panels), Dicle University, Diyarbakir May 6, 1986, the Parliament of Culture, Arts and Entertainment Council Publications, Ankara, 1986.
    8. DEVELİO? LU, Ferit; Ottoman-Turkish Encyclopedic Glossary, 7th Print, Aydın Kitabevi, Ankara, 2986.
    9.DÖNMEZ, Genghis, "Implementation of Principles of Ataturk and the Turkish National Sovereignty", the Founding of the Republic, 75th Year's Gift, Gazi University, Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History Research Center Publication, Ankara, 1998.
    10. ERO? LU, Hamza, Atatürk and the National Sovereignty, Culture, Language and History High Agency of Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara, 1987.
    11. ERO? LU, Hamza; Turkish Revolution History, Forum Press, London, 1982.
    12.FEYZİO? LU, Turhan; Turkish National Struggle and National Sovereignty as one of the fundamental principles of Kemalism, Ataturk Culture, Language and History High Agency of Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara, 1988.
    13.KARAOSMANO? LU, Yakup Kadri, "Ataturk and Founder of the State", the Kemalist Thought, Culture, Language and History High Agency of Atatürk Research Centre Publication, Ankara, 1982.
    14. KODAMA, Day, "Development of the Idea of National Sovereignty," Intellectual Development of the Concept of National Sovereignty, (the panel), 19 Mayis University, Samsun, April 22, 1986, the Parliament of Culture, Arts and Entertainment Council Publications, Ankara, 1986.
    15.KÖNİ, Hasan, "The Concept of National Sovereignty in the West and the Development of Turkey," Intellectual Development of the Concept of National Sovereignty, (the panel), 19 Mayis University, Samsun, April 22, 1986, the Parliament of Culture, Arts and Entertainment Council Publications, Ankara, 1986.
    16. ÖNSOY, Rifat, "National Sovereignty in Turks and Ataturk", Atatürk and the National Sovereignty Panel (Proceedings), M. Publications Kemal University, Antakya, Turkey, 1994.
    17. Ozturk, Kazim; of Ataturk and the Secret Oturumlarındaki TBMMAçık Speeches, C. II, the Ministry of Culture Publications, London, 1990.
    18. Şahingöz, Jack, Izmir, Istanbul and Maras Invasion Reactions, Ph.D. Thesis, (A.Ü. T.İ.TE), Ankara, 1986.
    19.TANSEL, Selahattin; Mondrostan Mudanyaya Much, C. II, London, 1973.
    20. TURAN, Refik, and others; Atatürk Principles and Revolution History, London, 1994.
    21.YILMAZ, Mustafa and others; Ataturk and History of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, 1998.


    (1) Sevket Sureyya Aydemir, Tek Adam, Mustafa Kemal, CI, (1881-1919), Istanbul, s.390.
    (2) Ferid Develioglu, Ottoman-Turkish Encyclopedic Glossary, 7.Baskı, Aydın Kitabevi, Ankara, 1986, s.375. Hamza Eroğlu, Atatürk and the National Sovereignty, Culture, Language and History High Agency of Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara, 1987, p.2.
    (3) Hamza Eroglu, the Turkish Revolution History, Forum Press, London, 1982, s.444.H.Eroğlu, Ataturk and the ..., ibid, p. 5.
    (4) Cengiz Dönmez, "Implementation of Principles of Ataturk and the Turkish National Sovereignty", the Founding of the Republic, 75th Year's Gift, Gazi University, Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History Research Center Publication, Ankara, 1998, p.64-65.
    (5) Sami Fever, The Historical Development of Principle of National Sovereignty and the Turkish İnkılâbındaki Place, KemalistAtılımBirliği Publications, London, 1991, p.27.
    (6) Turhan Feyzioğlu, the Turkish National Struggle and National Sovereignty as one of the fundamental principles of Kemalism, Ataturk Culture, Language and History High Agency of Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara, 1988, p.1.
    (7) Sevtap Smith, Concept of Sovereignty Ataturk and Youth, National Sovereignty Idea Description, Components and Development (Panel), Dicle University, Diyarbakir May 6, 1986, the Parliament of Culture, Arts and Entertainment Council Publications, Ankara, 1986, p.34 . Kemalism (1.Kitap), Ataturk's Vision and Directives, London, 1988, p.4-21.
    (8) Ataturk (1st Book), a.g.e., p.17.
    (9) A. Donmez. a.g.m., p.67.
    (10) Ataturk, Speech, CI, today Prepared for publication Dille David Korkmaz, Ankara, 1984, p. 9.
    (11) H. Eroglu, Turks ..., a.g.e., s.174-175. Tevfik Bıyıklıoğlu, Ataturk Anatolia (1919-1921), Ankara, 1959, p.30. Ataturk May 16, 1919 9 Has been appointed as the Army Inspectorate.
    (12) Selahattin Tansel, until Mondrostan Mudanyaya, C. II, Ankara, 1973, s.241.
    (13) For extensive information on this subject. View Şahingöz, Izmir, Istanbul and Maras Invasion Reactions, Ph.D. Thesis, (A.Ü.T.İ.TE), Ankara, 1986, p.58-271.
    (14) Mustafa Yilmaz and others, Ataturk and History of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, 1998, s.92.
    (15) H. Eroglu, Turks ..., a.g.e., s.178-179.
    (16) M. Yilmaz, a.g.e., s.93-94.
    (17) Refik Turan and others, Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History, London, 1994, p.114.
    (18) H. Eroglu, Turks ..., a.g.e., s.183.
    (19) C. Donmez, a.g.m., s.68.
    (20) C. Donmez, a.g.m., s.68-69. H. Eroglu, Turks ..., a.g.e., s.188-191.
    (21) R. Turan, a.g.e., s.130-131. H. Eroglu, Turks ..., a.g.e., s.200-201.
    (22) R. Turan, a.g.e., s.136-137.
    (23) The secret lies here, and the State Founder of Ataturk, Ataturk Thought, Culture, Language and History High Agency of Atatürk Research Centre Publication, Ankara, 1982, s.473.
    (24) Kazim Ozturk, Ataturk's Parliamentary Speeches Open and Hidden Oturumlarındaki, C. II, the Ministry of Culture Publications, London, 1990, s.907-908.
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